Tales of Hi and Bye

Tales of Hi and Bye

Greeting and Parting Rituals around the World
Cambridge Medicine, 1. vydání, 2009

We do it over and over again, day after day, and never seem to get enough of it. Albanians do it. Zulus do it. Movie stars and plumbers do it. All around the world, people say hi and bye in innumerable languages and countless ways: they wave and bow and curtsey and shake hands and rub noses and fist-bump and mwah-mwah and perform a vast array of greeting and farewell rituals, so common and natural that no-one stops to notice... Tales of Hi and Bye provides a delightful, witty, and intriguing insight into the sometimes strange and often wonderful customs associated with an ordinary, everyday event.

kat. č.: 203350
ISBN-13: 978-0-521-11754-8
EAN: 9780521117548
jazyk: anglický
stran: 262
vazba: vázaná
rozměry: 134x195 mm
barva: černobíle
Cena: 503,- Kč
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